Feel your stresses melt away
Allow me to treat you with a soothing massage that will make you feel blissful. By receiving a massage at my sumptuous studio, you will feel your stress disappear.
As I work my way around your body using expert strokes and techniques, you will drift off into a state of serenity.

Enjoy enhanced wellbeing by taking time out of your schedule for a pamper session.
At Massage By Paul, I am an experienced male massage practitioner performing treatments that make you feel relaxed. My name is Paul, and I have provided professional male tantric massage and aromatherapy treatments at my studio for more than 15 years. Located in my home in Burnham-on-Sea, my tranquil treatment room is the perfect place to receive a massage in a calming environment. Of course, you always receive a private treatment, with complete discretion assured. Renowned for my exceptional reputation, clients travel from locations as far as Germany and Ireland to receive my massages.
My prices reflect the quality of massage I provide, and my clients are always left satisfied. My massage treatments include: aromatherapy massage, sensual massage, tantric massage, naturist massage & prostate massage. Shower facilities are available and I use a non-perfumed h2oil water dispersible massage oil.